New Molecular Solutions in Research and Development for Innovative Drugs

Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, Dept. of Molecular Medicine, University La Sapienza, Rome (UNIROMA)

Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, Dept. of Molecular Medicine, University La Sapienza, Rome (UNIROMA)

Sapienza University of Rome, founded in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII, is one of the oldest universities in the world and a high performer among the largest universities in international rankings.

Since its founding over 700 years ago, Sapienza has played an important role in Italian history and has been directly involved in key changes and developments in society, economics and politics. It has contributed to the development of Italian and European science and culture in all areas of knowledge.

The future of Sapienza starts today thanks to its rich past and the contribution of the entire University community, whose main objectives are research, teaching and education. Faculty, students, technical and administrative staff are part of this community and thanks to their respective skills and responsibilities, they all contribute to its reputation and growth.