New Molecular Solutions in Research and Development for Innovative Drugs
12 Dec 2013

New Researchers Employed!

The main objective of the WP1 is to employ 7 experienced researchers which are expected to enhance the RBI knowledge and know-how in spectrophotometric biomacromolecule analysis, biomacromolecule structural and thermodynamic characterization, bioimaging in cell biology and epigenomics, bioinformatics, biomolecular interaction analysis and array technology.

The experienced researchers will be engaged in core facility operations and help with the dissemination of new methodologies to students, postdocs, permanent staff and all other users of the new equipment.

Until this date four researchers: Marija Matković, Filip Šupljika, Vedrana Filić Mileta and Adriana Lepur have been employed and fully engaged in their laboratories, while we expect Jelena Trmčić-Cvitaš and Pau Marc Munoz Torres to join the InnoMoll team within 4-8 weeks.

The WP1 staff also managed the employment of three technical assistants: Josipa Matić, Marko Šoštar and Lucija Kovačević.

We congratulate all the newly employed and wish them a lot of success.